Descriptions at a Glance
Celebrity Outreach
Reaches out annually to Dragon Age community notables for charity participation, including celebrity voice actors, BioWare notables, book and graphic novel creators past and present, and more. Interacts with celebrities to set up rewards including signed memorabilia, video greetings, Zoom or Streaming events, and more. Works frequently with Tiltify, Fulfillment, Scheduling, and Twitch teams.
Charity Submissions
Manages all charity submissions from fans. All fan submissions need to be monitored, cataloged, and sent to the Tiltify team to add to our campaign rewards. This also overlaps with Twitch on aspects like streamer submissions, which need to be scheduled appropriately (and which further overlaps with Scheduling! Lots of overlap in this team).
Document Management
Helps to manage documents for all teams and ensure that they are accurate, thorough and up to date. Tasks on this team can include a variety of document types, from spreadsheets to docs, files, planned social media posts, projects for the graphics team, translations, etc.
Email Management
Helps to send, receive, and respond to emails from donors (artists, streamers, etc.), as well as managing one of the biggest tasks—sending emails to charity rewards purchasers (so they will frequently work with Charity Submissions).
Responsible for creating and managing forms for everything from charity submission queries to annual questionnaire answers. Works closely with Document Management and the Website teams.
This team largely deals with Celebrity donated items. Team members stay in contact with those who purchased celebrity rewards, receiving the physical items from celebrities, and shipping them to everyone. This can be a drawn-out process that lasts for several months after Dragon Age Day itself.
Largely devoted to creating icons, headers, promos, and infographics for our website and social media posts, the graphics team is responsible for any and all image media produced by Dragon Age Day.
International Translation
This team is essential for helping us share our website, social media posts, and potentially even more of our material into diverse international languages beyond English. All text for translation will be provided by the team lead. While many team translators are accomplishing translations into their own native languages, our team also includes gifted translators who are fluent in and cover multiple languages. Participants must demonstrate fluency to take part.
The newsletter is sent out weekly or biweekly via Mailchimp depending on content, and involves sharing news and stories, keeping subscribers and fans up to date with Dragon Age Day developments, announcements, and drumming up engagement within the Dragon Age community. Works frequently with Graphics and the Website teams.
Keeps on top of when announcements need to be made, when team deadlines are due, and sends out reminders to keep everyone on task. The Scheduling team also prepares a schedule for the Twitch streamers across time zones and helps to manage any scheduling conflicts that may arise.
Social Media
Social media is responsible for posting all of our announcements with corresponding images, alt text, and translations to all of our social media accounts, which include Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter.
his team is responsible for maintaining our Tiltify account, updating rewards listings, and monitoring when they go live. They also manage one of the most important spreadsheets across Dragon Age Day (also assisted by Document Management), and may also interact frequently with Celebrity Outreach, Fulfillment, and E-mail Management.
Transcription and Closed-Captioning
All celebrity Q&As and interviews, Tabletop RPGs, and other streamed events require transcription for closed captioning, and this team helps to create those captions so that people of all abilities can enjoy our content. Works closely with YouTube team.
Manages our Twitch channel for Dragon Age Day and oversees all aspects of Twitch preparation before and on the day. This includes scheduling streamers, broadcasting our main streams, managing the streamer submissions, setting up moderators, and archiving streamed content for saving and later output to YouTube. Works very closely with Document Management, Scheduling, Celebrity Outreach, Video, and YouTube teams.
Responsible for creating video footage for announcements and editing streamed content for sharing and posting. Works closely with Celebrity Outreach and YouTube teams.
Responsible for managing and updating the Dragon Age Day website, and also adds and edits content across the different sections of the website, including updates on progress. Ensures that the website is translated Works frequently with Graphics, International Translation, Forms, Social Media, Celebrity Outreach, and Newsletter teams. Note: We use Wix for our website, so no real coding knowledge is necessary.
Responsible for prepping and posting streamed and recorded video content to YouTube. Tasks here include prepping descriptions, tags, keywords, transcriptions, and main title graphics, as well as (in some cases) editing video content (adding titles, music, etc., where appropriate) for posting. Works closely with Video, Transcription, Celebrity Outreach, and Twitch